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Back cover:
"From behind the cloak of U.S. military secrecy comes the story of Star Gate, the project that for nearly a quarter of a century trained soldiers and civilian spies in extra-sensory perception (ESP). Their objective: To uncover the secrets of America's enemies using a skill called "remote viewing." Assigned to the remote viewing unit in 1983 at a pivotal time in history, Army Major Paul H. Smith served there for the rest of the decade, witnessing and taking part in many of the seminal national-security crises of the twentieth century."
Relevance to Artificial Telepathy: Smith provides an overview of the key organizations and people in the U.S. Army, the Defense Intelligence Agency, and the Central Intelligence Agency who have pursued the use of remote viewing and "natural" telepathy as a weapons system. It's an extraordinarily well-sourced and highly detailed account that gives names, dates and places from about 1970 forward to 2002.
The development of artificial telepathy, synthetic telepathy and psychotronic weapons has definitely followed a "Star Gate pattern." Indeed, one might think of Remote Viewing and Artificial Telepathy as the right hand and left hand of the same PsyOps program. With regard to research, organization, funding, training, doctrine, rules of engagement and operational procedures, the two telepathy programs are nearly identical. They are headed by the same key people and organizations: DIA, CIA, Army INSCOM, the Office of Naval Intelligence and the Air Force. Within the university community and the military weapons lab system, they share the same facilities.
Summary Review
Without any "official" evidence to support the claim that the U.S. military is zapping the brains of innocent civilians with acoustic weapons that mimic telepathy, one must turn to sources like Paul Smith's book, Reading The Enemy's Mind , which provides a valuable window into the DIA's Star Gate Program from its inception in 1983 to its "hijacking" by the CIA in 1995.
The book clearly indicates that certain special operations officers at the Pentagon have pursued an intense interest in telepathy for years. It indicates that the U.S. Army played a lead role in the R&D and the Army clearly intends to use telepathy as an active PsyOp weapons system. It also attests that intense telepathy research has been funded secretly for decades by the Defense Intelligence Agency and the CIA.
Much of the information provided by author Paul Smith is now outdated, but this book provides a fairly reasonable facsimile of the structure, doctrine and training of DoD personnel within present-day black programs. If there are teams of covert operatives using cutting-edge artificial telepathy systems to zap the brains of innocent civilians, then these black-op teams are probably organized much like the Remote Viewing teams described in Smith's book.
The book shows these people with a human face. It provides many photographs.
The book also beautifully illustrates the kind of political squabbling and in-fighting that still goes on between the Air Force, Army INSCOM, DIA, CIA, Congress and the academics at major universities.
About the only happy or positive conclusion one can reach is this: If the Artificial Telepathy programs run by the Army are even half as messed up as the Remote Viewing program was, then there is hope for TIs everywhere. It's quite possible the Army's "Synthetic Telepathy" program will trip over its own bootlaces, the way Stargate did, and knock itself cold.
Key People Mentioned in Smith's Book:

Maj. Gen. Albert Stubblebine III, Commanding General, U.S. Army INSCOM (ret.) Former Commanding General of the U.S. Electronics Research and Development Command (ERADCOM). Also commanded the Army intelligence school at Ft. Huachuca. Named both by Smith's book and by Jon Ronson's book The Men Who Stare at Goats (2004) as a founding father of the Army's psychic warfare programs during the early 1980s.
Ronson devotes the entire first chapter of his book to "The General." He describes Stubblebine as "the United States Army's chief of intelligence, with sixteen thousand soldiers under his command. He controls the army's signals intelligence, their photographic and technical intelligence, their numerous covert counterintelligence units, and their secret military spying units, which are scattered throughout the world. He would be in charge of the prisoner-of-war interrogations too, except this is 1983, and the war is cold, not hot. . . . His job is to assess the intelligence gathered by his soldiers and pass his evaluations on to the deputy director of the CIA and the chief of staff of the army, who in turn pass it up to the White House."
In 1981, Army INSCOM inherited Operation Grill-Flame, one of the first Remote Viewing programs, from the Defense Intelligence Agency, and Gen. Stubblebine was put in charge. Grill-Flame was renamed Operation Center Lane. The program had originally been run by Jack Verona, a nuclear physicist and head of the DIA's Scientific and Technical Intelligence Directorate, who simultaneously ran a DIA mind-control program called "Sleeping Beauty" that dealt with the offensive use of microwave weapons.
For more on Sleeping Beauty, see Monarch: The New Phoenix Program by Marshall Thomas" (link at left).
Short wikipedia biography of "Stub": http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Stubblebine
Mini-bio at mindcontrolforum: http://www.mindcontrolforums.com/hambone/people1.html#stubblebine
Mini-bio at Natural Solutions Foundation: http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/index.php?page_id=299
Former Chairman of Psi-Tech Inc. His Psi-Tech Lecture on Remote Viewing as a Research Tool:
Note: Psi-Tech reportedly purchased the patent for the Subliminal Sound Presentation System brought to America by Dr. Igor Smirnov (see Marshall, page 5). But there has been a sea-change at Psi-Tech since 2001. The new chairman and CEO is Dane Spotts, and the new president is Joni Dourif, ex-wife of actor Brad Dourif. More than 30 boxes of corporate documents were taken from Joni's office, and it is possible they have lost the patent papers.
Stub questions what hit the Pentagon on 9/11: http://www.wanttoknow.info/officialsquestion911commissionreport
Stub and his wife on board of directors at Canadian Submarine Technologies, Inc.: http://www.canadiansub.com/Board.html
The Stubblebines are reportedly working on a new weapons system called Aegis.

Lt. Col. John Alexander - Chief of the Army INSCOM Advanced Human Technology Office, an agency created by Gen. Stubblebine as part of the Army INSCOM "Beyond Excellence" Program. This is the program that started the spoon-bending craze, described by Paul Smith in the first chapter of his book.
Many targetted individuals look on Col. Alexander as the Pentagon's top spook when it comes to artificial telepathy and psychic warfare. In fact he was relatively low on the totem pole, reporting to Gen. Stubblebine, who in return reported to the Army Chief of Staff.
For a more detailed profile, see the earlier post on "The Aviary" and the extensive biography on page 88 of Monarch: The New Phoenix Program by Marshall Thomas (PDF can be downloaded using the link at left).
Alexander began his military career in the Green Berets and alledgedly participated in the CIA's Phoenix program (an assassination program that killed thousands of people in Vietnam). Evidence that Alexander participated in the Phoenix program seems a bit thin, but no one denies that he was a commander of Army Special Forces teams in Thailand and Vietnam from 1966 to 1969. He "led Cambodian mercenaries behind enemy lines, and took part in a number of clandestine programs, including Phoenix," according to Steven Aftergood in a biographical sketch written for the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ("The Soft Kill Fallacy," 10 Sept 1994, v 50, No. 5, p 40).
For a recent and up-to-date biography, see the website of "The 4th Amazonian Shamanism Conference" held July 19-27, 2008 in Iquitos, Peru:
Please note that Col. Alexander's wife, Victoria Lacas Alexander, is a student of "non-traditional spirtual realms including spiritual possession" with an emphasis on the study of Candomble, Umbanda, and the use of the psychedelic medicine ayahuasca to achieve trance states. Her biography may be found at the same shamanism site:
For a mini-bio of Col. Alexander and a November 2002 interview on George Noory's Coast-to-Coast program: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guests/52.html
For Amazon.com link to review of his 2003 book Winning The War: Advanced Weapons, Strategies and Concepts for the Post-911 World (in which he advocates use of brain scanners as non-lethal weapons): http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/031230675X/ctoc
For Amazon.com link to review of his 1999 book Future War: Non-Lethal Weapons in Twenty-First Century Warfare (in which he suggests that acoustic blasters may be used to confuse and mentally disorient the enemy): http://www.amazon.com/Future-War-Non-Lethal-Weapons-Twenty-First-Century/dp/B000GG4HLG/ref=pd_sim_b_1
Capt. Frederick H. "Skip" Atwater
Lyn Buchanan
Edward A. Dames
Dale E. Graff
Kit Green - CIA scientist
Lt. Col. Dick Hartzell - Army INSCOM staff psychologist who performed personality tests on Paul Smith before his induction into Project Center Lane
Jack Houck - "An engineer in California ... whose day job was working for a major defense contractor ... turned metal bending into a sort of populist crusade. In the past few years, Houck had been hosting what he called 'PK Parties', in which he would gather numbers of ordinary folks together in various settings, dump a bunch of silverware into the middle of the floor, and proceed to teach the attendees in how to turn the utilitarian chunks of metal into objets d'art using only the power of their minds." (p. 15)
Joe McMoneagle
Capt. Tom McNear - Head of Army INSCOM Project Center Lane (early "remote viewing" or psychic spy program developed in the 1980s).
Maj. David A. Morehouse - an associate of Ed Dames and participant in the DIA's remote viewing program, Project Sun Streak (1986-1990). Sun Streak was overseen by Dr. Jack Vorona, head of the Defense Intelligence Agency's DT (Directorate of Technical and Scientific Intelligence)
John Nolan - "INSCOM Beyond Excellence Program" Leader. Taught use of hypnosis, neurolinguistic programming, sleep discipline, biofeedback, Silva Mind Control, etc. for boosting organizational efficiency and human growth. Also taught "average soldiers, spouses and their kids" the strange art of psychokinesis ("spoon bending"), called "macro-PK." It had a close relative, called "micro-PK," which involved "mentally influencing things you couldn't see, such as electrons, micro-circuits and computer chips." (p. 14)
Major Gabrielle Pettingell
Andrija Puharich - parapsychology researcher who attended Jack Houck's spoon-bending parties at home of Lt. Col. John Alexander in 1983.
Hal Puthoff
Bill Ray
Melvin C. Riley
Charlene Cavanaugh Shufelt
Ingo Swann
Russell Targ
Jack Vorona
Key Organizations Mentioned in Smith's Book:
International Remote Viewing Association
Link to IRVA website:
Link to IRVA Events blog:
SRI International - formerly the Stanford Research Institute, Menlo Park, CA.
pp. 53-75 SRI's research for CIA
pp. 77 - 101 SRI's research for U.S. Air Force
pp. 106 - 126 SRI's research for U.S. Army INSCOM
SRI Radio Physics Laboratory
U.S. Army Intelligences and Security Command (INSCOM)
U.S. Army, First Army, 902nd Military Intelligence Group
U.S. Army Operations Group ("Ops Group") -- A Human Intelligence unit
U.S. Army INSCOM Advanced Human Technology Office
U.S. Army 66th MI Group, Munich, Germany
Key Places Mentioned in Smith's Book:
Arlington Hall Station, VA (HQ for Army Intelligence and Security Command)
Fort Huachuca, Sierra Vista, AZ (Army Intelligence School)
Fort George G. Meade, Maryland (National Security Agency, 902nd MI Group, home of Army INSCOM "Project Center Lane" and later incarnations)
Kimborough Army Hospital - a few blocks from HQ of Center Lane Program
Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
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